Nova Credit Essentials: Five Key Points to Understand

Feb 02, 2024 By Susan Kelly

Moving to the U.S. is a big step, even harder when you can't access credit. This has been a major hurdle for immigrants until recently. Companies like Nova Credit are now smoothing the way. Nova Credit Union allows immigrants from select countries to use their credit history from their home nation to secure credit cards or car loans in the U.S. The company converts your foreign credit details into a U.S.-compatible score and report. This information helps financial institutions decide your eligibility for various financial services. This service particularly benefits those needing to purchase essentials for their new home.

Nova Credit's Credit Passport

Nova Credit offers a distinctive service by granting lenders in the United States access to your credit history from another country. The credit passport service converts an individual's foreign credit report into a structure comprehensible to lenders in the United States. This assists the evaluators in determining your propensity to repay borrowed funds, be it credit card debt or auto loan speculation. The eligibility requirements for utilizing Nova Credit Union, which presently serves immigrants from particular nations, are contingent upon the lending policies of specific U.S.-based institutions.

According to your country of origin, the financial products for which you may qualify may differ. The lending institution compensates Nova Credit for each instance in which you consent to authorize sharing your credit passport to apply for a credit card or loan. Since the service's inception in 2016, this model has proven advantageous for incumbent lenders and newcomers. A 2020 report indicates that approval rates for new borrowers increased for more than sixty percent of lenders. Furthermore, a Credit Passport facilitated the financial transition to the United States for approximately 70% of users from eligible nations, including Australia, India, and Mexico.

Unlocking Credit Card Benefits for Newcomers

When obtaining credit cards for the first time, few perks or welcome bonuses are typically provided. On the other hand, applying for an American Express card with Nova Credit alters the situation. Both the American Express website and Nova Credit offer applications for credit approval. Additional credit card and auto loan applications are also available through the latter.

One significant distinction from the application processes for most credit cards is the requirement to verify a credit history from a foreign country before being approved for an American Express card. International credit report retrieval is a straightforward procedure that has no impact on credit scores for most individuals. Plan for a temporary decrease in the credit score of your country of origin if you are applying from Brazil, Kenya, Mexico, or Nigeria. An application for financial products will not temporarily impact your credit score in the United States if you have not yet established a credit file.

53.7 million individuals in the United States held American Express cards by 2021, demonstrating the brand's credibility and expansiveness. The availability of financial products has been facilitated by platforms such as Nova Credit Union, which converts international credit data into a score equivalent to that of the United States. Indeed, since the inception of Nova Credit, a growing proportion of those who were previously unable to obtain credit cards and loans have successfully integrated into the U.S. financial system.

Confirming Your Identity May Be Necessary

Financial products can be approved without an SSN. Creditors may request documents to verify your identity. American Express cards may require proof of U.S. residency. Nova bank statements, driver's licenses, utility or phone bills, or any government-issued ID will work. Your home country's credit history may be requested.

Creditors have different requirements. According to a survey, 60% of nova banks and other financial institutions increased identity verification in 2021. Identity fraud has risen by 15% in the past two years, particularly in the US, Canada, and the UK, prompting stricter verification processes. Here, getting financial services requires more than paperwork—it's essential.

Essential Credit Score Requirements for Applicants

Creditworthiness in one's home country is generally a prerequisite for credit card eligibility with Nova Credit. According to the official credit bureau of your home country, you can ascertain your present credit standing.

Ellis is a practical service provided by Nova Credit to individuals originating from nations such as South Korea, Kenya, or Australia. This platform assists users in locating appropriate credit cards in the United States and provides a complimentary credit score check for their home country. The NovaScore, a credit rating specifically designed for the United States obtained from one's credit history in their home country, enables this to be feasible.

With the assistance of your NovaScore, Ellis functions as a financial hub by providing a customized inventory of credit cards that increase the likelihood of your approval. By guaranteeing that individuals with established creditworthiness in their home country have access to the necessary financial tools, this service streamlines the process for newcomers to the United States. Obtaining information regarding the prerequisites and available alternatives for obtaining a credit card in the United States via Nova Credit Union is accomplished practically through the use of direct, lucid communication.

International Credit Reporting and Relocation

Notify your U.S. creditor of your recent relocation if you have opened a credit account in a foreign country and have a U.S. credit file older than six months; doing so may impede your ability to utilize your foreign credit history. If your credit history in the United States exceeds six months after you begin establishing credit there, it may impede the integration of your credit records from your previous country. Individuals seeking a comprehensive assessment of their credit standing may refer to This organization provides complimentary credit reports and can ascertain whether or not they possess a credit file in the United States.

Credit reports serve a vital function within the domain of finance. 34% of Americans, according to a study published in 2020, discovered errors in their credit reports; this underscores the criticality of routine credit checks. Moreover, as individual mobility increased globally, financial institutions reported a 17% increase in demand for international credit assessment services in 2021. When you are a newcomer to a country, maintaining a credit file entails more than simply being aware of your score; it also requires that your financial statements reflect your past accurately.

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